我们都曾或多或少地被拖延症所困扰. For some, it's a chronic problem. 另一些人则发现,这种情况偶尔会出现在他们生活的某些领域. 然而最终的结果通常都是一样的——浪费时间,错失机会,糟糕透顶 表现、自我贬低或压力增加.

拖延症就是让低优先级的任务妨碍了高优先级的任务 的. 就是当你知道马上就要上课的时候还躺在床上看电视 而不是研究学期论文,或者打电话给朋友而不是完成 your math assignment.

我们似乎都能很好地处理自己想做或喜欢做的事情. 但是,当 我们认为任务是困难的、不方便的或可怕的,我们可能会变成拖延症 模式. 我们有很聪明的方法来欺骗自己. See how many of the following excuses hit home for you:

  • It's OK to celebrate. . .另外,我明天就要开始节食(或其他计划)了.
  • I'm not in the mood to do it.
  • My health problem isn't that bad. Time will heal this pain.
  • 的re's plenty of time to get 它做的.
  • 为什么Smarts教授让我们做这么多? It's not fair.
  • It's too hard to do. I don't know where to begin.
  • 我在压力下工作得更好,所以我现在不需要做这件事.
  • 我有太多事情要先做.

一旦被曝光,这些自我挫败的言论听起来并不令人信服. 但是,当 we 私下告诉自己这些借口,它们似乎相当可信. Don't be fooled by how innocent they sound. 他们让我们推迟重要的任务和职责.


Procrastination is a bad habit. 和其他习惯一样,主要有两个原因. 的 首先是我们用来为自己行为辩护的“扭曲思维”. 的 second cause is our behavioral patterns.

仔细观察我们的扭曲思维,可以发现拖延战术的三个主要问题 ——完美主义、不足和不适. Those who believe they must turn in 一篇最典型的论文可能要等到所有可用的资源都被审查完之后 不断地重写草稿,冒着不能按时完成的风险. Many who feel 不充分的人相信他们会考试不及格,所以他们推迟准备和维持 an attitude of "what's the use.“尽管经验告诉人们要小心 现在的小问题会防止以后的大问题,许多人让他们的恐惧立即发生 不适和疼痛妨碍完成必要任务的进程.

我们的行为模式是第二个原因. Getting started on an unpleasant or difficult task may seem impossible. 拖延症被比作物理概念 惯性——静止的物体倾向于保持静止. Greater forces are required to start change than to sustain change. 另一种看待它的方式是逃避任务 强化拖延症,使事情更难进行. A person may 也会陷入困境,不是因为缺乏欲望,而是因为不知道该做什么. 这里有 some things to break the habit. Remember, don't just read them, do them!


Change Your Thinking

  1. Rational Self-Talk. 拖延症思维经不起理性的检验. 的 "two-column technique" will help. 在一张纸的一边写下你所有的借口. 开始挑战每个借口背后的错误推理. Write down your 现实的思想在纸的另一面,对面是每个借口. 它可能 look something like this:
    (Self-Defeating Thoughts)
    (Realistic Thoughts)
    I'm not in the mood now. Mood doesn't do my work, actions do. 如果我等待合适的心情,我可能永远得不到 它做的.
    I'm just lazy. 给自己贴上懒惰的标签只会让我失望. My work is really separate from who I am as a person. Getting started is the key to finishing.
  2. Positive Self-Statements. 在你的思想库中加入一些自我激励的话. 考虑. . ."没有比现在更好的时机了" "趁热打铁" "越快越好 the better."
  3. Don't Catastrophize. 直接下结论说你会失败或者你不擅长某件事 只会创造一个自我实现的预言,让你措手不如. Recognize that your negative predictions are not facts. 把注意力集中在现在和积极的步骤上 you can take toward reaching your goals.
  4. Design Clear Goals. 想想你想要什么,需要做什么. Be specific. If it's getting 一个特定的等级,找出实现它的确切步骤. Be realistic. Don't think 学了一门汉语,你就会像外交官一样说话了. Having goals too big can scare you from starting.

Change Your Behaviors

  1. Set Priorities. 把所有需要做的事情按照重要性的顺序写下来. 的 重要性或紧迫性越大,优先级越高. Put "messing around time" (分心)在适当的地方——最后! Start at the top of the list and work your way down.
  2. Partialize the Task. Big projects feel overwhelming. 把它们分解成最小的和最容易管理的 部分. 如果你能一点一点地做,你会做得更多. Try outlining your essays, for example. 对于不愉快的工作,偏颇尤其有效. 我们大多数人都可以处理我们不喜欢的工作,只要时间短,时间长 small increments.
  3. Get Organized. 开始前所有的材料都准备好了吗. Use a daily schedule and have it with you all the time. 实事求是地列出一天或一周的任务. Check off the tasks when you have completed them.
  4. Take a Stand. Commit yourself to doing the task. Write yourself a "contract" and sign it. 更好的 然而,告诉朋友、配偶或教授你的任务计划.
    Use Prompts. 给自己写一些提醒,放在显眼的地方,比如on 电视、冰箱、浴室镜子、前门和汽车仪表盘.
  5. Reward Yourself. 自我强化对培养“现在就做”的态度有很大的作用. Celebrate, 拍拍自己的背,微笑着,让自己享受完成即使 smallest of tasks. Don't minimize your accomplishments. Remember, you're already that much closer to finishing. Go ahead, get started—NOW!

如果你仍然面临着强烈的拖延习惯,你可能希望咨询一下 D203的心理咨询人员. Professional consultation is free to currently enrolled students.